“Strengthening of mental well-being”
An intervention supporting stress management in Refugee Aid Workers

Refugee Aid Workers (RAWs) are constantly under a high workload. Additional stressors such as team conflicts, difficult care situations, a work-life dysbalance and/or family concerns are often present, possibly creating cumulative stress exposure. Further, crises situations, such as the SARSCoV-2 pandemic and related measures can sometimes be very challenging. All these factors can have a negative impact on well-being, job satisfaction and family life.

In the RELIEF study, the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, the University Hospitals Bern and Zurich, the University of Basel and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens are evaluating, if a proven intervention leads to reduction of stress levels and improvement in mental well-being among Refugee Aid Workers, if provided online and in group sessions. If you are a RAW, this is an opportunity to learn more about stress management strategies to increase your resilience in everyday life, especially in preparation for possible future crises, such as another pandemic or disaster situations.

”Learn to become more competent in dealing with everyday stressors”

Learn effective stress management strategies

– Simple, evidence-based, structured advice meeting the needs of Refugee Aid Workers

– Ultimately supportive of a more satisfying work-life balance

Key points about the stress intervention applied in the RELIEF study

– The intervention: A stress management intervention developed by the WHO, is applied in an online group setting

– The goal: Optimal handling of emotional and practical challenges in professional and private everyday life to increase resilience

– Your participation: Short, free (no cost) and easy –to– implement strategies (applied in 5 group online sessions of 90 – 120 minutes each, completed within 5 weeks)


-Target group: you are currently employed / volunteering as a Refugee Aid Worker, such as: a humanitarian aid worker (e.g. project field coordinator), a healthcare professional (e.g. physician, nurse, midwife, dentist, psychologist), a social worker, a lawyer, administrative staff, a teacher or similar AND are currently working in a refugee setting in Switzerland OR Greece AND speak fluent English AND are 18 years old or above.

– Participation takes place completely online (including Zoom sessions and questionnaire assessment) and flexible in terms of timing

– All data will be treated confidential.

If you are interested in taking part in the study and satisfy the above-mentioned criteria, please click on the button below, which will guide you to the full study information:

You can find the full information for download here

Thank you for your interest. You can find all of the selection criteria and pricing info here.


Migration & Refugee