SMSC Fribourg 2022 – medicine abroad
On 21-23 October 2022, it’s time again: the next Swiss Medical Students Convention (SMSC) will take place in Fribourg with the theme «Medicine abroad – Widen your horizon»!
It is the national congress of swimsa for all medical students in Switzerland. With interesting lectures, workshops and debates, topics can be dealt with which are neglected at the university or which are currently relevant in health policy. This event is intended to give the 300-500 medical students a unique opportunity for personal exchange, education and networking. The congress aims to broaden horizons and show that studying medicine is more than just theory and exams.
We will provide a workshop on Saturday 22.10.22 from 16-17:00 pm on „Insights into refugee healthcare: a case study from a Greek refugee camp“. Come and join us!
Registration for the whole event start Monday 26.09.22 and for the workshops will start on Monday 03.10.22.