6th Swiss Symposium on Refugee and Migrant Health
19th of September 2024 | 10:30–17:00 hours
This year’s symposium is dedicated to the topic of equitable healthcare for vulnerable and sociallydisadvantaged population groups. The global increase in refugee flows and the Covid-19 pandemichave made it clear that health and illness are unequally distributed among the Swiss population andthat access to the healthcare system is limited for some people. Experts will highlight care difficultiesfor various marginalized groups, discuss models of good practice and recommendations for action.
In addition, workshops will be offered in the morning to address the needs of migrants “sans papier”and transgender patients with regard to legal, political and health aspects as well as identification,treatment, management. The workshops will be offered in English with exchange in German, whereverwanted (marked as de & en), or solely in English (en) or German (de).
Thus, this year’s symposium will again provide an opportunity to expand one’s knowledge and clinicalskills and gain new insights in the field of migration and health. Besides the exchange with experts andpeers there will be again the possibility to get in direct contact with different organizations in ourfoyer.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

5th Swiss Symposium on Refugee and Migrant Health
15th of September 2023 | 08:30–17:00 hours
The focus of this year`s symposium is to engage in exchange with experts about the complex relationship between climate change and migration.
We will discuss the adverse impacts of climate change on health, on the protection of human rights and on migration flows. Experts will provide insights into legal, policy and health implications of climate change, as well as the use of tools to assist vulnerable populations and to measure the impact of displacement on health.
In addition, workshops take place in the morning addressing the identification, documentation, treatment, management and referral of patients with mental health problems or cases of domestic violence. The workshops will be offered in English with exchange in German, wherever wanted (marked as de & en), or solely in English (en) or German (de).
Thus, this year’s symposium will again provide an opportunity to expand one’s knowledge and clinical skills and gain new insights in the field of migration and health. Besides the exchange with experts and peers there will be again the possibility to get in direct contact with different organizations in our foyer.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

4th Swiss Symposium on Refugee and Migrant Health
9th of September 2022 | 08:30–16:30 hours
The focus this year is on humanitarian aid in times of crisis.
Specialists will provide insights into their work and the use of technology to strengthen the health and resilience of refugees and migrants. There will also be opportunities to learn how to start working or to become actively involved in humanitarian aid.
In addition, this year there will be morning workshops on alternative diagnostic testing and treatment options in rural or resource low settings or where there are language barriers. The workshops will be offered in English and German.
As in preceding years, we will present solutions for those facing challenges in treating patients with migration background or refugees. Beside the exchange with specialists and peers, it will once again be possible in our foyer to enter into direct contact with different NGOs.
We are looking forward to finally welcoming you back after such a long break!

3rd Swiss Symposium on Refugee and Migrant Health
13th of December 2019 | 13:30–16:30 hours
Our 3rd Symposium on Migration and Refugee Health will take place on December 13, 2019 at the Inselspital.
The focus of this year is on the social aspects and integration of refugees and migrants.
The health of young adults and the work of Doctors Without Borders are also key topics. In addition, the importance of the social circumstances of asylum seekers and migrants is covered. We hope to broaden the focus and emphasise the influence of social factors on health.
As in every year, specialists share their knowledge and experience and we offer participants the opportunity to expand their network.
We look forward to welcoming you to the symposium.

2nd Swiss Symposium on Refugee and Migrant Health
6th of December 2018 | 13:30–17:30 hours
The 2nd Symposium on Migration and Refugee Health will take place on December 6th, 2018 in the Inselspital. In accordance with the FOPH’s Health Strategy 2020, equity is a priority in the care of this vulnerable group. Cardiovascular risks, mental health and the medical care of women and children are the focus this year.
We are particularly pleased to gain insights into the work of the police in the field of migration and refugee health and to receive the latest status on infectious diseases from the European CDC.
Once again this year, solutions will be presented for those facing challenges in the treatment of migrants and refugees. The symposium offers input from specialists and the opportunity to expand your own network.
We look forward to seeing you!

1st Swiss Mini Symposium on Refugee Health
29th of November 2017 | 13:00–17:00 hours
The first Swiss Refugee Health Symposium will take place in the Inselspital Bern. The increase in patients with an asylum background poses a challenge for medical specialists in both inpatient and outpatient settings.
Appropriate medical treatment is an important part of the healthcare system in Switzerland for patients, regardless of their origin or social class.
The event is aimed at general practitioners and medical professionals who deal with asylum seekers. At this symposium, specialists from the field of migration medicine present practical solutions from their fields.
The symposium will be translated simultaneously into German and French.